Friday, June 29, 2012


Living in the country, my parents' house has had its fair share of critters coming in and out over the years. These last few weeks have been particularly strange, however. Maybe because it's so. dang. hot?!? The poor things need in out of the heat, too, I guess.

He's kinda hard to see, but this little guy was running around the family room the other day.
I'm used to seeing these run across the driveway going through the pasture, but I've sure never seen one in the house before! Little man's got some cajones--here's hoping he made it out before the cat got him!

Here's some background for you: we have barn swallows that like to build a nest in our chimney. The stupid things do it every. single. year. And every. single. year. at least one of the dang things fall down into the fireplace and someone (*ahem* Dad *ahem*) has to pick it up and let it outside. I just can't do it. They squirm and flap and, quite frankly, it freaks me the heck out.

So. The other day I walked downstairs and heard some awfully loud chirping coming from the general direction of the fireplace. Thought going through my head? "Awesome. I'm not touching that squirmy, flapping thing. Fireplace doors are shut; it's cool. Dad can deal with it." About that time, my angel devil darling pup waltzed himself over to a basket near the fireplace and started going nuuuuuuts! So over I walked to check it out. Peering down, I find this:

My question? How the heck does a baby BIRD get in the house?? The fireplace doors were firmly closed, and there are certainly no barn swallows roosting in the kitchen. Totally baffled. One of life's unsolved mysteries, I suppose.

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